Thursday, February 21, 2013

subpixel is chiptune and progs best kept secret

subpixel is the musical pseudonym of matt ross of new york. to describe his music is sometimes a stretch to do because he is a musician who truly has a strong understanding of instruments, instrumentation, and implementation, three traits when used together typically builds a musician with a certain je nes se qua that you dont exactly see in all musicians, these days maybe even moreso for a musician that has a manual approach with actual analog instruments as opposed to samples or sample-based music production.

for me, describing his music is as simple as calling it 'essential music', something that fits in my musical collection in the highest regard. you can listen to the music of subpixel again and again and hear a new melody, new drum sound, hell, new sound in general again and again, even after repeated immediate listenings. i urge you to check out his bandcamp and enjoy what he's made for all of us so far. here's my two favorite releases to start you out:

'the wave', this album truly leaves me speechless because of the fact that matt & co cared enough to release a chiptune version as well as a version with full instrumentation, a feat that with the complexity of the music is something i admire highly. hear this incredible piece of music here:

'birthdays', a beautiful tribute to friends, and as he mentions in the liner notes, sometimes belated, but with the beauty of this album, not a lick of effort is spared in these songs. this album also features a kill rendition of 'i only have eyes for you', which you should check out if you're into the older hits. check it out here:

truly sweet genre-breaking music by a great guy. i hope you'll check out some of his work, for you library and production music heads out there, maybe you'll dig it as much as some of those old killer brutons and kpm slabs and see some of the similarities that i do in his music.

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